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Company Profile

Company Profile

Name Japan Dragon Travel Co.,Ltd.
Representative Director Yumi Iwatsuka
Address 2549-5 Hirose-machi, Kokufu-cho, Takayama City, Gifu
Business Activities
  • Travel service based on the Travel Agency Law.
  • Travel agency representation based on the Travel Agency law.
  • Translation, interpretation, and tour guide services in foreign languages.
  • Management of restaurants.
  • Sale and brokerage of admission tickets and membership rights for various events and performances.
  • Planning, production, organization, management, and operation of events and seminars.
  • Planning, business operations, and consulting services related to language education.
  • Management of guesthouses and accommodation facilities.
  • Any business related or ancillary to the above activities.
Registration number Registered Travel Business No.2-384

Registration table, Standard Travel Agreement,
Terms and Conditions, Travel Service Fees

Introduction of the President

Yumi Iwatsuka

The president graduated from the Japanese Language Department at Qingdao University in China. And after graduation, worked at a major trading company handling trade operations with Japan. Later, I moved to Japan and acquired Japanese citizenship.

I obtained the national certification as a Chinese-language interpreter guide in 2009, along with a tour conductor certification and the Domestic Travel Service Supervisor certification. While I am actively working as a tour guide on the front lines, I am also serving as a volunteer interpreter and teaching Chinese to Japanese learners.

Through my work as a tour guide, I closely observe the changing trends in tourists’ requests and travel styles. We aim to organize tours that are more aligned with tourists’ perspectives.
