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Privacy Policy

Personal Information

Compliance with Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection

『Japan Dragon Travel Corporation』(hereinafter referred to as 「the Company」)complies with the Personal Information Protection Law and other applicable laws and regulations. The company has established and implemented internal policies to protect personal information, including regulations on handling such data. All employees are committed to safeguarding personal information.

Proper collection and notification of purpose

When collecting personal information, the company will clearly state the purpose of its use and obtain the customer’s consent.

Specification of purpose and limitation of use

The Company will use personal information for the following purposes. Any other uses will be carried out only with the prior consent of the customers.

  • Use of information necessary for the execution of the company’s business.
  • Responding to customer inquiries.
  • Providing information and notifications to customers from the company

Restriction on providing personal information to Third Parties

The Company will not disclose, transfer, or lease customers’ personal information to third parties during the execution of its business. However, this does not apply in the following cases:

  • When the customer has given their consent
  • When necessary for the execution of the Company’s business and disclosed to entities that have signed a confidentiality agreement with the Company.
  • When disclosure is made to subcontractors or partner companies
  • When disclosure is required by laws or regulations.

Disclosure, Correction, and Suspension of use personal information

For inquiries, requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or deletion of your personal information, please contact our designated contact point.

Contact point for inquiries regarding the handling of personal information

Contact information Japan Dragon Travel Co., Ltd.
Address 〒509-4119
2549-5 Hirose-machi, Kokufu-cho, Takayama City, Gifu
Email address info@dragontravel.jp
